Evan Denomme strives to create immersive experiences illuminated by club lights and cigarette smoke. A sleepless mind creating electrifying video collages that transport the viewer to a secretive, underground world that niche groups are familiar with, but is seldom brought into mainstream light. This is the world of late-night lonerism. With my work, I challenge conventional ideas of sin and self expression; to open the minds of the closed minded.
Freelance Videographer, Editor - Paxahau
Full-time Videographer, Video Editor; Our Next Energy
Live Stream Producer; Flow Video, 2021
Videographer; Psychopathic Records, 2021
Video Editor; Paxahau, 2018-2019
Assistant Video Editor, Hiatus, 2018-2019
AEG Presents, Paxahau, Tito’s, Lululemon, Playground Detroit, React Presents, El Club
Rock climbing, skating, and DJing